Just to color in this fact with a bit of background consider the following life-facts that factor into this bounce back.
- I got hammered with Superior Court jury duty yesterday, which broke my normal workout schedule, and will continue to disrupt my routine workout schedule for several days to come.
- Jury duty has also disrupted my eating habits. I actually ate a dreaded hot dog from a street vendor yesterday. It wasn't a Hebrew National Koshur Polish either, so there is no telling how bad that was.
- I completed my first 4 CrossFit workouts as of Tuesday 10/25/2011. The last workout--Tuesday noon--was followed by a full-cycle ROM workout in the evening. That was clearly over-doing it, and I paid a high physical price for it yesterday.
- I was so blown out and sore yesterday, especially in the region of my right knee, that I could not have done any exercise anyway. I was in a lot of pain yesterday; so much so that I actually had to reach for the dreaded Lortab so I could walk on that right knee. I called off all workouts, and made it a complete day of rest. This morning, I feel much better, and I will train today.
- CrossFit has produced a new level of physical hunger for me. I am hungry for actual, real food again. I have very specific cravings for eggs. Nothing else seems to satisfy. I'll take 'em any which way I can get them: Boiled, omelet, burrito. I just want my eggs. Chicken won't do it at all, and neither will steak.
- A recovery drink of 1% fat chocolate milk, 25g extra whey protein, and some omega-3 fatty acids oil is now my recovery drink of choice. I mix this drink myself in one of my two bullet blenders. Every other workout drink feels like a piss-poor substitute. I'm still not satisfied by this drink, but it is the best I can do right now. Specifically, whey protein feels like a poor substitute for egg protein.
- My arms & shoulders look different now. There is no mistaking it. The push-ups, pull-ups, ring-dips, and kettle bells are having an impact on my muscularity. I know for a fact that I am packing more muscle now. This will show up on the next Bod Pod test, I promise you.
- CrossFit is affecting my sleeping habits. I feel very, very sleepy these days. I feel sleepy by 10:00pm, which is extremely unusual for me. In the past, I usually had to force myself to go to bed around 12:30pm or 1:00am. Not true anymore. Now I can go to bed as early as 10:00pm, and I am usually in bed around 11:00pm. I am just flat-cold exhausted and out of gas. Also, I sleep like a dead man. The lights go off, and I am unconscious in seconds. I don't rouse at any point during the night. I wake up without any memory of dreams, or sense that time has passed. It's almost like Propofol sleep.
Next time, I will blog about my experiences in the CrossFit gym. This is a very interesting way to train.