Showing posts with label Haynesworth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haynesworth. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A few thoughts on what could be the eve of the apocalyse

Tommorow the Rams play the Redskins. For the second straight year, we have to play them in Washington. This absolutely confounds me. The Skins are not in our division. We should not play them 2 years in a row. Second, if we traveled to Washington last year, they must come see us this year. Somebody had better pimp-slap the fuck out of the schedule maker. He needs a boot up his ass. Said gentleman is AFU.

Last year we upset the hell out of them in Washington D.C. and that is no mere figure of speech. Donnie Avery made one hell of clutch catch, and Josh Brown belted a long 50+ field goal which should have been a chipshot. It wasn't a chipshot because Richie Incognito felt the need to taunt the officials before the game winning field goal. I never saw anything that stupid in my life. Troy Aikman warned us this would happen a good 2 minutes before it did happen.

No team has upgraded it's defensive line as much as the Redskins. They have yet to show a lot of bennies for the upgrade. Most of us--including me--believe that is just a matter of time. Tomorrow could be the day that the Redskins see some low-hanging fruit. Albert Haynesworth, Anthony Montgomery, Andre Carter and Lorenzo Alexander expect to score some sacks tomorrow. Let us not forget #1 draft pick Brian Orakpo, a virtual Lawrence Taylor type, and our former middle linebacker the Fletch.

This would be the ideal moment for the Rams line to find their sea-legs, pump some testosterone out of their balls, and knock the skins loose in every direction. That outcome is very doubtful. Everyone is hyping the 1-on-1 match between Haynesworth and Jason Brown. They have met many times before. They are not strangers. I am more concerned about Orakpo blitzing and Feltch hitting us with a delay blitz while spying. I think those moves will produce sacks. I regret saying this.

The Rams OL versus the Skins DL will determine the outcome of this football game. Most people view the Skins as the prohibitive favorites because of this fact. This is one of those ideal moments when the Rams line can change the nation's perception of them. They will have to fight their asses off all game long to do it.

The alternative is that Bulger will get injured again, perhaps for the season. We have already established that he is a Chinadoll. What happens when Orakpo and Haynesworth arrive simultaneously from different directions and crush Bulger?