Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The 5 and 7 step drop back are so over-rated

Egads, I never thought I would live to see the day. What dark days these are. There is a crisis in NFL Scoutting. It has has ever been poor, but never so poor as this.

A draft year is upon us where the NFL is prepared to draft a pure milk dud--high in the first--just because he does the 5 and 7 step drop back. "Yes, but nobody else does!" (?) Let's put the emphasis on the wrong factoid, shall we? Yes, lets!

Dread has come upon us all. The scouts--who are enormously fallible when evaluating QB talent--are downgrading a 100% pure stud QB because he has a long delivery. Let's put the emphasis on the wrong factoid, shall we? Yes, lets!

I've got some fucking news for you scouts, and I am going to make it short and sweet: Every last QB in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio had bad habits and mechanical flaws in his game plan. Not a single one of them was mechanically perfect. Every last one of them (still living) would confess that in a heart beat.

Mel Kiper Jr. would shit all over the incredible Slingin' Sammy Baugh if Baugh if he were a kid coming out this year. He had one of the funkyist throwing motions I've ever seen. Baugh is arguably the greatest football player ever to take the field. Unitas had a very high arch throw, and he dropped his arm down low also. He is father of the QB position. Brett Favre has all kinds of bad habits, and he may well be the most celebrated QB in the game right now. [With all due respect to Peyton Manning.] Favre has played for 19 years with bad habits and mechanical flaws, and he is going to the Hall of Fame.

Do you know what you can do with all of the mechanical flaw talk? Do you know where you can put it? Do you realize how little weight and merit your jargon about mechanical flaws really carries in true game of NFL Football?

I have some other news for you: The ability to lead men in battle, the drive to compete and win, that is 90% of greatness. The other 10% is pure athleticism. Tim Tebow has it in spades. If Bill Devaney and Steve Spagnuolo are serious about there verbal positions on character issues, Tebow has to be the automatic choice at #33, top of the 2nd round. Do not pass go. Do not entertain trade offers. Do not take the fully allotted time. Just send the card up to the commish.