Saturday, January 7, 2012

I dunno if I can do this Paleo thing...

So, a few moments ago the score was 183.4 pounds on my Tanita bathroom scale.  Yesterday morning, my weight was 184.754 on the Bod Pod.  As you know, the Tanita weighs heavier than the Bod Pod by about 0.8 pounds these days.  I would guestimate that the Bod Pod would place me at 182.6 this morning.

What happened to those 2.1 pounds?   My itinerary last night cannot explain it.  I did not hit the sauna.  I did not get a massage.  I did not purge out my intestines with Magnesium Sulfate.  I did not take Tylenol.  I did all of these things on the evening of the 5th, before the Bod Pod.  Yesterday, I simply ate two Paleo meals, and drank two additional whey protein drinks.  I also worked out like a kettlebell savage last night.

This is a tantalizing result, and very suggestive.

But now comes the rub:  meal #2 consisted of chicken, nuts and blue berries, and it produced one hell of a sticking event.  A sticking event is a side-effect of roux-en-y gastric bypass in which certain food types 'refuse' to clear the pocket stomach for an extended period of time.  The gut-pressure this produces results in a very uncomfortable feeling.  You feel as if you have a drainage plug stuck in your gut.  It blocks everything from passing, including water.

I hardly slept a wink last night.  I doubt I slept at all.  I tried to relax on the couch and then in bed, but I didn't really sleep.  Eventually, the sun came up.  I am anything but well rested right now.  Strangely, I do feel as if I have a good amount of metabolic energy this morning.  Mentally, I am very frazzled right now.  Physically, I am ready to go exercise.

Certainly, I cannot afford a repeat of last night.  If the paleo diet produces sticking events like this, I just can't do the paleo diet.  One of the symptoms the paleo diet was designed to correct is poor sleep.  I cannot afford to go sleepless again.

I am going to stick to it today, and eat my final meal of the day no later than 6:00pm.  If I stick again, the paleo diet is over and out.  If I sleep well tonight, game on.

Still, you have to wonder about that sudden evaporation of 2.1 pounds.  My weight has gone this low before.  I have seen these figures and lower.  However, my body is feeling pretty hard and toned this morning.  I think I look leaner.

Tantalizing results for just 24 hours.  Very suggestive...