I have been keeping up with my pledge to eat three fish meals each week lately, and it's doing me some good. I am doing the full ROM regime for the first time since 2009, and I can now blast 30 minutes straight on my eliptical at level 15. I am going yo level 16 tomorrow.
With that said, I have had great difficulty finding the Baramundi fish. For those who don't know, the Baramundi is a smallish member of the Australian Cod clan. It is a little herbivorous vegetarian fish which converts plant food to flesh at a rate of 1.8 to 1, just like the Catfish. You can raise them in aquaculture settings without much difficulty. We're talking about a lean, low cal, mild, white Cod fish which has plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids.
In case you missed it, Dr. Oz replaced the Salmon with the Baramundi on his list of the top 20 super foods. He shocked the world when he did that. The Salmon had a peerless rep until this moment. Why the switch? The Salmon is a carnivorous predator fish that packs a lot of fat, just as all predators do. It is a healthy piece of fish, but it is not low cal, and it is not low fat. The Baramundi is low cal and low fat.
I finally found some at the farmer's market in Calabasas this morning. I bought a whole fish, which turns out to be a mistake. I had never cleaned and filleted a fish in my life. I jacked my left index finger in the process. Next time, I am buying the filet.

The eating made it worth the blood. I felt fantastic when I finished. It put me in a good mood. I felt I had done a real favor for my body.
This was the first time I ever prepared fish at home. I attempted to blacken it Cajun style, and it din't quite work. I am going to continue experimenting until I get it right. I will let you know how it goes.