Ever had one of those mornings where you wake up feeling like an emaciated skeleton? One of those mornings where you felt like you could see every bone in your rib cage?
No, of course not. Kinda stupid question, isn't it? It would be completely preposterous, save for the fact that I just woke up feeling that way about a half-hour ago. I woke up feeling metabolically low, but I had a gut-level feeling that tremendous progress had been made
This morning, I weighed in at 213.0 on the Tanita scale. This was one of those mornings where the scale couldn't quite make up it's mind just how much I weighed. The digital read-out flickered back and forth between 212.8 and 213.0 about five or six times. The message is clear: I'm somewhere between 212.8 and 213.0, and the scale was having some difficulty determining whether it should round up or round down.
For the sake of argument, let's say I am 212.9 exactly. You know what this means. The Bod Pod would say I weigh 212.05 this morning. This brings my progress to nearly 8.298 pounds in just 8 days. There can be no doubt that I am bursting out of the set-point now. That's just way to fast.
For the sake of argument, let's say that 8.298 pounds was entirely fat-loss. I have some serious doubts about that, but let's hope it's true. This means I should have lost 4.29948 liters of body volume, and my body fat weight should be 62.567 pounds. If my lean remains constant, by Body Fat Percentage (BFP) should now be 29.5%. Further my total body volume should now be 93.056 liters. Wow...
I should admit that I woke up this morning feeling like 3 day old dog shit, run over by a truck, and warmed up in the microwave. Well... maybe not that bad. Perhaps, that is an exaggeration, but I feel like I have been through the ringer.
I am still trying to shake off the grog. This is the reason why I am exercising my brain, writing this blog entry. I'm trying to wake up.
Folks, I still have 6 days to go before Bod Pod VIII. Down and down I go, where I stop, nobody knows. I am looking right down the gun-barrel at an unprecedented week of remarkable progress. Although the way I feel is a red-flag warning sign, things are looking pretty damn good numerically. The anticipation is growing. I am really curious to see the results of this test.
Not a moment too soon, either. One of my Leo buddies is having a birthday pool-party next Saturday afternoon.